I'll be the first to admit that Kane doesn't do it for me. Much. Ok, he did do a little bit. But I still think he is a whack job.
This is the first episode told from Kane's POV and it pains me to say I felt his charm working on me from the beginning of the book. BUT!!! But I still didn't get the warm fuzzies some of you's got. I know some of you love Kane. And I get it. It's the glasses right? Ugh. I know. I am a fool for a man with glasses, too. But I just can't get over all his whack-a-doo ideas and his need to claim and control Reagan. It is just not right. There is only one man that is meant for Reagan and that man is Hendrix.
I had lost my soul out of necessity, not because I relished being a monster.
There were certain lines that I would not cross-not even with a gift like this. ***
It was still a great chance to see what someone else is thinking through all this mess. I find his inner mind workings interesting. Albeit crazy...but interesting none the less. Kane is such a complicated and complex character, his story had to be told. There was no other way around it. And if I had to guess I would guess that Higginson is already thinking about another story from his POV *cough* Maybe the scene they are stuck together in the bunker. *cough*
Deep down, I knew that my choices and actions were for the good of humanity, that my choices to keep Reagan was for her own good. If I had to prove that to her one day at a time for the rest of my life, I would. But I was the good guy here. She just didn't know it yet. ***
Absolutely, wholeheartedly love this series. I will take it any way I can get it...even in Kane's POV. I don't think I will ever tire of reading about these amazing characters that I have instantly fell in love with from the first time I read episode one. A must read!!