From start to finish...DESTINED is packed to the gills with action, drama, and adventure. Pike did such an amazing job with her characters and bringing the series to such a phenomenal end that will leave all her fans smiling. And there is a little bit added at the end that is sure to bring a few tears to your eyes. I know it did me. And my heart aches a little more for a certain character.
Another character that I have loved from the start, Tam, also tore at my heart strings in this one. In DESTINED we get to see a side of him that we've never before experienced. We've always known him as being a strong and fierce leader when times got tough for Laurel and her friends. But now, we get to see his broken and shattered side, and it is utterly heartbreaking. For once in his life he has to rely on others and try to find his will to survive when hope is looking bleak. Will he be able to live in a world that Laurel doesn't exist? If there is ever a character that loved with his whole heart, it is Tam.
This is a must read if you have already gotten this far in the series. An absolute must. This series will always hold such a special place in my heart, as it was one of the first that had me falling in love with faeries. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It is just so sad to say goodbye to such amazing, wonderful characters that I have loved over the last couple of years.