Desperate to keep his injured arm out of the news, Cole Parker seeks help from his brother. He will go to any means necessary to get better in time to sign a contract to allow him to keep playing baseball in Atlanta. In order to do so, his brother asks a favor from one of his students that is about to graduate and become a physical therapist.
Everly accepts the job because she truly needs the money to help out her Grandpa and his home healthcare. What she didn't count on was the feelings that she encounters from the very beginning. Could major league baseball player, Cole Parker, seriously have feelings for a lowly waitress? Or is he merely acting to keep up the appearance of ‘dating’ so news of his arm doesn't make it on ESPN? Maybe this job was bigger than her...maybe she is in over her head. But she might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
I just love when an author comes out of their comfort zone that he or she is used to and ventures into something totally different for them. In this case, Thomas is an author that is used to writing YA Fantasy. But let me tell you something...this lady nailed the whole NA genre. This book was so great and so addictive. I love how it sucked me in. And truthfully? I didn't want it to let me go. I could have hung with it for a lot longer than what it did. I hate when a good book has to end. It is just not fair...not fair at all.
My heart loves it some Cole Parker. I love that he wasn’t a jerk in the beginning. Even though he is all male, he was raised right and wasn’t full of himself like some male characters we are used to reading about. You know the cocky, player type. I tire at reading about them sometimes. But not Cole, nope, he was actually a great guy that knows what he wants. And when he has found something he loves, he will do anything to hang on to it. Whether it be baseball, family, or a special someone.
Everly is about as sweet as they come. Poor girl has been put through so much hell in her short life and has come out on top. She is nearly done with her schooling and has no social life to speak of. But she has sacrificed much in order to help out a grandfather that has always been there for her when her real father wasn’t. If anyone deserves some happiness it is her.
I really don’t think you will find any better characters to love than these two right here. When they hurt, I hurt. When they were smiling, I was smiling. You get what I am saying? Yes, I absolutely drank up this book and put off the end as long as I could. I didn’t want it to end but I had to know what happened. It was just a brilliant read that has found its way to my Re-read shelf. I look forward to more NA Contemporary Romances from Thomas.