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This Lullaby

This Lullaby - Sarah Dessen I picked up THIS LULLABY after scouring over Dessen's books in search of the perfect one to read before she came to Memphis for a signing. And after looking over reviews (which I hardly ever do before I read a book...weird since I write reviews) I chose THIS LULLABY. And I think I am happy that I chose it out of all the other books she has wrote. Although I didn't give it 5 stars, I really enjoyed it. There wasn't much of a build up to that one epic outcome...not at all. It seemed to just flow and tell its story. So I am not sure if most of her books are like that, not packed with much suspense or dramatic moments, but it worked for this story.

I am ok with there being a story that doesn't shock and awe you. As long as the story is entertaining and able to keep my interest I am ok with that. Plus it has to have interesting characters and THIS LULLABY did. I really enjoyed Dexter's quirky self. I so related to him and his friends and his living situation. I went through a phase during high school and hung out with a few friends that was this exact same way.

The only person I couldn't connect with was Remy. She was cold, heartless, and bitter about love. And to think that she is the main character and having no connection, you'd think that I would put the book down like I have done several times before. But there was just something about her that made me keep reading; wanting to learn more about her and her anything-but-normal family.

In the end, THIS LULLABY was a great read. And after the signing, seeing how one of the characters was actually part of a different story and 2 others show up in another book, I look forward to more of Dessen's books. I think it is neat how she will bring characters back to her other books for cameos so her readers will have those little sneak peeks at how they are doing. Keep in mind it is not a romance packed read though. There is mention of sexual situations, but no actual sex scenes. So yes, I recommend this to any reader who loves YA Chick Lit.