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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
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When God Whispers Your Name
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Double Star (Volume 1)

Double Star - Cindy Saunders What happens when you fall off a cliff and wake up to 3 strangers? You ask to use their phone so you can call your mother, of course. But the strange looks Ally receives is anything but reassuring. The last thing you want to hear is “Phone??” Where the heck is she?

Let me start off by saying that I actually almost put this book down. The author had warned me it might be something that I am not used to reading. But I have read something similar and I actually ended up really engrossed in the story. Every time I had to put it down to do non-reading things, I found myself itching to get back to it.

Keep in mind there are several characters (mostly guys) and each have a characteristic about them that the reader must remember at some point or another. That is what I always got hung up on. It is probably just me though. But the two main characters are the most prominent, of course, and are easy to follow. Readers are going to love them…I know I did. And little by little I found myself wishing Ally would just find a way to stay with Liam. He is where she needed to be.

As the story progresses, Liam and his friends must do a 5 day travel to meet with his father, in hopes of finding a way to get Ally back to her world. So much happens on the journey just in a couple days’ time and we reach the end of the book before they make it to Liam’s father. But the stuff that happens brings them closer to the answers they have been seeking all along. There are people they meet along the way that plan huge roles in their journey and finding those answers. And magic is everywhere around them and in them…it really is a fantasy tale if I have ever read one.

I recommend this story to any and all who love fantasy, magic, and supernatural. It is fully loaded with all that and more and is sure to keep the reader entertained. I know it did me and I am really glad I kept reading. I look forward to the next book so I can find out if Ally decides to stay with Liam or return to her mother.