* Would actually rate this book 3.5 stars but rounded it up to 4*
I am extremely on the fence about this one. Several times I had put the book down, telling myself I wasn't into to it, only to find myself crawling back into bed starting it up again. The writing was excellent and it flowed easily throughout the book. But I think it was the storyline that got me. I liked the idea that the author had but at times I thought it was kind of bland. The description of the book is a little deceptive too. So much so I was a little confused when starting the book. I just wasn’t expecting the path the author took. I will say I was surprised with a major twist that happened. I totally did not see it coming.
Another thing is I never felt that connection with Kira like I felt I should with an MC. I mean like zip. I couldn’t relate to her and thought that she didn’t really develop much throughout the story. I did however like Caleb's character a lot. But I do think he got the short end of the deal in the end.
I am not sure if this book is the start of a series or a standalone. But with an ending like this one had, I am hoping there will be another book. I am not sure though I want to read the second one if there is. I just don’t have that desire to continue on with it. These are all just my opinions and I hope that others will want to find out for themselves if this book is for them or not.