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Currently reading

Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
John Hagee
Dragonfly in Amber
Diana Gabaldon
K.A. Tucker
I Still Believe
Jeremy Camp, Phil Newman
When God Whispers Your Name
Max Lucado

A Million Suns: An Across the Universe Novel

A Million Suns - Beth Revis If I had to come up with only 2 words to describe A MILLION SUNS it would be ‘gripping suspense’. So gripping it was almost paralyzing. I can only imagine what Revis felt when writing it; to have to experience certain scenes over and over again until she got the story just right. And man did she nail it. There were times I had to lay the book down and take a calming breath. I seemed to have the same fear running through me as the characters had running through them. Just so darn intense!

Now it has been some time since I finished ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, so I am a little ashamed to say I had forgotten a little bit of how it ended. But Revis gives us readers a little history without it ruining the beginning of the story. It is just enough to remind us what happened previously and once I remembered I was immediately caught up in the story. Caught up in the characters…caught up in the deception…caught up in the impending destruction of a once civilized ship.

I really cannot go on much more in fear of leaking the story line and ruining it for everyone. But know this…if you read ACROSS THE UNIVERSE then you will want to read A MILLION SUNS. I felt it was much better than the first book thanks to the suspenseful scenes, the growing feelings between Elder and Amy, and some really whack job characters you’d like send out the space chute.

Fav Lines…

I’m the only one who’s ever opened her eyes as wide as she can and still see only the heavens.


Just that if I was back on Earth instead of on this damn ship, if I had met Elder at school or at a club or on a blind date, if I had my choice between Elder and every other boy in the world…Would I love him then?
Would he love me?
Love without choice isn’t love at all.
“Just that I don’t want to be with you just because there’s no one else.”