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Dust: Of Dust and Darkness (Volume 1)

Dust - Devon Ashley I am a huge faery fan, so I was so excited to be asked to review DUST. On my nook, the book is only a mere 150 pages. Dust is a fairly short read and I easily knocked it out pretty quickly. What I loved about the book was the plot: a pixie that gets wrongfully imprisoned and seeks for a way out. Another thing I liked about it is that these pint size faeries and pixies are the sole characters; not a single human to be found. To me, I find that is rare. So many books today are about fae and humans and the fae are usually human size. I was actually pleased with this twist and think it was so well done.

DUST is a clean YA book but there are several areas in the story that are kind of hard to read about. Rosalie is no longer in her familiar Hollow where she is safe and protected. She gets thrown into horrible living conditions and nearly starved to death by her captors. The torture they inflict on her is beyond disgusting and hurtful. I found myself having to skip over a few parts just because reading about it was just too hard.

Things did get better as we near the last third of the book when we get introduced to a new character: Jack. I actually really enjoyed him and loved when they were spending time together. I loved Ashley’s take on the romance…we slowly see the feelings grow between the two without it being rushed. But when the end comes we are left with a major cliffhanger; not knowing what happens to Rosalie and Jack. I really look forward to reading the next book and more of Ashley’s work. I love her writing style and think she is just an amazing author.