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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
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Stealing Breath

Stealing Breath - Joanne Brothwell This book was definitely a page turner for me. Stealing Breath kept my interest throughout and I was pleasantly surprised with its revelations. Brothwell did a fantastic job giving the reader a good, suspenseful story line that kept up at a good pace.

I also enjoyed the characters that the author gave us in Stealing Breath. The heat & energy that literally ignites between Sarah and Evan is hard to deny. This relationship made the book for me. I love when there is a good romance in my reads, and this one was on fire.

There is a prequel to Stealing Breath called Vicarious. I am guessing from the summary is we get a little bit of a back ground to Sarah. Will you have to read it before reading Stealing Breath? Nah, but from what I can see it is a really short read so what would it hurt?

I guess the only problem I had was that there weren’t enough answers as to what being an Indigo Child meant. Sarah learns she is one, but no one wanted to tell her what it meant or why it was so special to begin with. I felt a little left in the dark with that revelation; like the answer was just within arms reach but you get nothing. Other than that, I really enjoyed it. I thought the author did a great job giving us a different story about skinwalkers and dark magic.

I really look forward to the next book in the series, Silencing Breath. I am hoping we get a little more of those Indigo Child answers in it. So yeah, there you have it. I read, I liked, and I recommend!