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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
John Hagee
Dragonfly in Amber
Diana Gabaldon
K.A. Tucker
I Still Believe
Jeremy Camp, Phil Newman
When God Whispers Your Name
Max Lucado


Seaweed - Elle Strauss Another great read from Elle Straus. I know that when I read her stuff I will be getting something fun and entertaining. I also know that her stuff is definitely something I would let my girls read when they get a little older and are ready for YA. Plus Seaweed is very well written you can trust this author knows what she is doing.

When Elle asked if I would be interested in reading Seaweed I knew I would have to. I love mermaid stories and this one seemed perfect. And it was. It had some really cute characters, an interesting storyline, and the right amount of suspense to leave me wondering. My favorite part was the suspense. There was quite a bit in the story and I found myself pleasantly surprised by how some things revealed themselves. Some of which I never saw coming.

One thing that kept me from rating this a 5 star book was probably how unbelievable the relationship between Dori and her parents were. I won’t give away what happens, but if I were to have done half of the things she did…well I probably would not be alive right now. I don’t know that’s just me. Maybe other parents were a little more lenient with their kids. I felt she should have been held a little more responsible after all that she did.

Anywhoo, loved Seaweed! Thought it was beyond cute and I suggest anyone looking for a clean YA read about merpeople to pick it up today.