Leah is spiraling out of control and her parents are helpless to save her. While she is going down, she is bringing her whole family with her. Follow this one family’s story as they try to find their way back from drugs, infidelity and lies.
The book’s title is In Leah’s Wake, as if everything that is going wrong is all due to Leah, her drug dealing boyfriend and her new drug addiction. But I found that it went back much further to when her daddy couldn't give his wife the support and comfort she needed when going through a very rough time. So instead of being there for her he decides to go off and have an affair and that’s when everything seems to fall apart for the family.
I had a hard time following along with the story. It would take me reading several sentences to realize we were back in a memory in the past. So I would sometimes have to reread sections just to get back on track. Getting several POV’s throughout the book was interesting and gave great background to the characters. But sometimes the author would give a little too much detail, that I felt unnecessary.
Over all the story was good, but it was just not for me. I am not a huge fan of real life situations, struggles and hardships. I mean there is enough of that in real life and to have to read about it is just not something I want to do. I wish I could say this story blew me away, but it just didn’t.
*Update from the author*
Terri is about to release a newly edited edition of In Leah's Wake. The story is the same, but she has cut over 60 pages and also added a new chapter and several new scenes. And she has added a visual image to make pov changes and shifts in time much easier to follow. :)