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Currently reading

Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
John Hagee
Dragonfly in Amber
Diana Gabaldon
K.A. Tucker
I Still Believe
Jeremy Camp, Phil Newman
When God Whispers Your Name
Max Lucado

Beatrice Munson

Beatrice Munson - Lorena Bathey, Melissa Brandzel, Terry Whitington A story of a neighborhood full of women who along the way lost themselves to...well life. That all changes when one woman, Beatrice Munson, takes up residence in Vista Heights. The women start to find themselves hidden under play dates, soccer games, and clean homes. With the help of Beatrice Munson the women find the strength to realize their dreams didn't have to die with the birth of their families.
I am sure there comes a time in everyone's life where they think "Hey, I use to love to paint" or "I use to love to write". Dreams become just that...dreams. Life shows up and dreams take a back seat right next to the rear facing infant seat. The characters are fun, real and you’re going to enjoy seeing what happens among them. Even though the story is told from Marissa’s POV, you get a feel for all the women involved. Beatrice Munson is an enjoyable, fast paced read that will keep you entertained and maybe have you shed a few tears.