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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
John Hagee
Dragonfly in Amber
Diana Gabaldon
K.A. Tucker
I Still Believe
Jeremy Camp, Phil Newman
When God Whispers Your Name
Max Lucado

The Iron Knight (Harlequin Teen)

The Iron Knight - Julie Kagawa First of all, let me say how sad I am to see this series end. From the moment I read The Iron King I was hooked. I gave my heart over to Prince Ash from the very get go. Yeah, Puck is fun, cute and snarky, but he wasn't the one to make me weak in the knees like Ash did. So having the series end with Ash's POV was fitting for me.

Ash is off on a final quest to be with the one he loves. Old characters will return and will help him along the way in his journey. But with his past catching up with him and his inner demons tormenting him, will he reach his destination and make due on his promise of protecting Meghan?

The Iron Knight was such an incredible story of Ash and his journey. The obstacles he faced and the relationships that were tested made for an amazing read. The story brought forth so many emotions with in me. I got mad at Ash, I laughed at Puck, and even cried near the end.( And yes I wanted to smack Grim upside his furry little head, if I thought I wouldn’t get in trouble with PETA.) But the tale is brilliant and the ending epic. Thank you Julie Kagawa for a beautiful, poetic series that will always be one of my favorites.