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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
John Hagee
Dragonfly in Amber
Diana Gabaldon
K.A. Tucker
I Still Believe
Jeremy Camp, Phil Newman
When God Whispers Your Name
Max Lucado

Shattered Into Pieces

Shattered Into Pieces - Crystal Cattabriga I haven't read much non-fiction type books before, maybe since high school. But when Crystal Cattabriga asked me if I would be interested in reading her book, I thought why not. Shattered into Pieces is Crystal's take on her life growing up with a dead beat dad whose past is nothing but lies and deception. She takes you from the moment it all began until the end where she learns to find closure and peace.
Crystal Cattabriga wrote this book in order to help her move on from the lies that plagued her growing up and into adult hood. Her story is real and she tells it like it is. Maybe her story can help encourage you with the difficulties you are facing in your life.