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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
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Smash Into You

Smash Into You - Shelly Crane Another Shelly Crane story that I can toss into the pile of books that I love. Toss? Who am I kidding? I will virtually lay it down tenderly at the top of the pile in hopes it never gets hurt or virtually torn.

Guys, this book is definitely different than what we are used to when it comes to Crane’s books. Well sort of. If you have read her STEALING GRACE series, then you know our lady can write the deep and can write the heavy. SMASH INTO YOU starts out like your typical NA read. You know the type…it has the guy that is trouble with a capital T, in desperate need of saving. And enters a cutie girl who is none other than his savior. Yada, yada. We've seen it all before. Or have we?

Ok, the twist is where it gets good. Well the whole thing was good…but the story takes one interesting turn with the twist. It is building up and you know it is coming as you read the story. Something big is about to take place and it is going to be huge. But trust me, you won’t be ready for it until it is staring you in the face. It is just that good. And shocking. Unbelievably so. I even had a touch of fear when the big scene came. It was scary to think this would happen. Could it happen? Is it happening? Oh dear, my heart. I don’t even want to think of it happening. But I had to remind myself I am reading fiction. Just fiction. Real life could never be this cruel. Yeah right. But I won’t allow myself to think of it. Have I gotten your attention yet? Sure hope so.

Now, lets talk about Jude and Marley. First of all…love the names. Second of all…love them. No, Jude is not necessarily my favorite Crane man, but I was happy with him and his caring ways. It was wonderful seeing Marley crack his angst-ridden exterior and seek out the real Jude. The one that has been hidden and running for so many years. Marley is absolutely adorable and I love how she deals with Jude. Yeah, she is a bit shy at first, but when Jude is being a butt munch, she would put him in his place. She is snarky and sweet. Two awesome qualities in a girl. Gah, love them.

I have certain authors that when they put out a book…I will read it. Even without reading the blurb. No questions asked. Crane is one of those authors. She knows romance and she knows how to write it. And the fact that this one was bigger, deeper, and full of mystery and a major suspenseful storyline, well it makes me love her work that much more. I am telling you now that once this one goes live you will have to get it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Fav quotes… {These lines could change as this was an unedited ARC I was given.}

She had a little scar on her top right lip that she probably hated as much as I hated my scar, but God help me…I wanted to kiss that scar a million times over right then.

I grinned into our kiss as I felt the first of many rays of sunshine beam right into my soul. This was more than fun, it was therapy. She was healing me one touch at a time and didn’t even know it.

It was becoming so easy to be this guy. The guy who cherished one thing above all else and wasn’t just filled with hate. It was surprisingly easy to fall in love with this girl after a lifetime of wanting anything but. I blame her.

I blamed her in the best way.