Kellen isn't a bad guy...just going through a rough patch and making some bad decisions. Decisions that have landed him in hot water, so to speak, with the Tour and now has to be babysat by his new PR manager. But as time goes by and he finds himself spending more time with Gina, he realizes he has feelings for her. And Gina realizes she has feelings for him too. So they have little surfer babies and sail off into the sunset to live happily ever after.
Yeah, not really. Both Kellen and Gina are plagued by their pasts and the ghosts that won't leave them. Together they face them head on and try to overcome it. But will they succeed? Will they be able to forgive themselves and find the happiness they so desperately need? Or will they come to terms that their pasts are embedded too deep within themselves to ever move on?
I hit the jackpot with this one. It had everything in a book I look amazing storyline and two characters with a lot of emotional baggage to keep it interesting. I adore a book that evokes the emotions and this one certainly did. I was tore up over these 2 and felt a need to comfort them both. You have a feeling what is coming as the story progresses but when the revelation is dropped on the reader, you are not as prepared as you think you are. They hurt, the reader hurts, everyone is hurting.
I will tell you this...there is a happy ending. And I think it is a fabulous one. I wouldn't be recommending a book if there wasn't. I couldn't do that to you. So pick up MAVERICK and get ready for a fantastic book that I know you will love. Well done, Cruise. I enjoyed this book so much!