From the very first scene I knew I would love this book. I mean she is smarting off about Kelly Clarkson! It was hilarious and I snorted my way through that scene like a champ.
In fact I started to think Kelly Clarkson was a genius. And like maybe we were soul sisters that survived something awful but came out on the other side stronger. I started to think maybe she got me.... ***
And that is just a bit of the fun parts of the beginning. Here I was not even 1% into the book I knew I was a goner. I knew Higginson had me from the start with this one. And I seriously was happy to be prisoner of this book. I literally could not put it down. I inhaled this book until the very end and was left smiling at the end.
Lets talk about Ellie. This girl was so fun (in a dry sense of humor kind of way) and could definitely hold her own. Well, she had 3 older brothers, so she had to. I will say that she is a lot stronger than me though. Because I would have ran home with my tail between my legs had someone came to me demanding I owed them $7000 and it wasn't even my debt. And when the feelings got stronger between her and Fin I wouldn't have held out like she did. Oh no, again. I would be all over that like...well you understand right? Ellie was a great character I never tired of and I honestly wish there were more female characters like her. I loved watching her fall for Fin and fail miserably at not being able to withstand him and his charming ways. But after all, he couldn't possibly be interested in her...look at all his latest conquests. They are leggy and gorgeous. And, as Fin put it himself...she was missionary looking. Plain.
In that moment, that exact moment, I knew Fin Hunter was going to change my life forever. I didn't know if it would be better or worse when he was done, I just knew that he was blowing through everything I thought I wanted and needed like a tornado of change and I was helpless to stop it.
I was helpless against him. ***
So that leads me to Fin Hunter. Like I was saying...he is something all the girls want...and someone a lot of the girls already had. He has what you call a manwhore reputation. And even Ellie's brothers, being somewhat of manwhores themselves, know him well. Or as well as they can. They have forbid Ellie to have any contact with him. But we readers know there has to be more than what meets the eye, right? So off we go, reading along to see who the real Finley Hunter is. And let me tell you...he is more than his reputation. I won't get into who he is. I will let you figure it all out on your own.
Oh gosh folks, I have been rambling and you guys are probably scratching your heads trying to piece together this review and make some sort of sense about it. So sorry. Great and fabulous books do that to me and I ramble. If you take anything from this mess of words...get this book and read it. Get to a comfy chair (you are going to be there a while, not wanting to quit this book until it is done) and read this book! It was a fun, romantic read that readers are going to adore.
As always Higginson, your book was amazing. Thanks for the chance to review it!