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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
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Down 'N' Derby (Love and Skate, #3)

Down 'N' Derby (Love and Skate, #3) - Lila Felix What I love about this story is that all the past characters still play huge roles. Yes we are getting Maddox's story but everyone is still there and their stories haven't ended yet. So even though we are following Maddox on his journey to find his biological father, something he thinks is his to face alone, we still get scenes of everyone back home.

Reed and Falcon are going through loads of crap thanks to the fall out of Maddox leaving. The tension is growing daily between the two and Reed is not sure she can handle the stress of it much longer. It is hurting her to the core to keep the secret of Maddox’s whereabouts from Falcon. Nellie and Owen are going through their own problems, though theirs is not as front and center as Reed and Falcon, but it is adding up just the same. Maddox’s mother and father are racked with guilt and miss him terribly. And soon Nixon will face his own family drama. It is just one cluster bomb of problems and no one is safe.

But wait! There is one silver lining in the midst of it all: Storey. Oh, yes. Just you wait until to you meet this pint sized pin up model. You guys are gonna go gaga over her. She is the very thing that Maddox is searching for…his anchor, his miracle…and he just doesn't know it yet. But let me tell you, their story is sweet and beautiful and absolutely full of life. Seeing these two fall in love before our very eyes was…breathtaking. A romance that is worthy to be told.

Although Falcon is by far my favorite male character of all from the series, Maddox isn’t too shabby himself. I loved how he revealed his true nature to Storey before he even met her when he defended her honor on the beach. That shows that he is a gentleman and absolutely swoon worthy. Like fan-yourself-dear-me swoon worthy. Like ‘what about those different colored eyes and kissable dimple swoon worthy. Ok now I am rambling. But at that moment, on the beach, I fell head over heels in love with him. I knew he was one of the good guys right then and there. And from then on I looked forward to more of these ‘Aww’ moments. Just more of Maddox.

Felix’s characters become a close friend you care dearly about. You hate to see them hurt…you hate to see them suffer…you just want to make them ok again. At least that is how I feel when I read her books. I connect with her characters and fall deeply in love with her books. The stories she puts out are real and true to life. Felix has a way of pulling a reader into a story and making them feel a part of it. So much so you find you don’t want to leave it and face reality. You find you’d rather hang out with her characters than your own real life friends. Why is that?

DOWN N’ DERBY is a fantastic read that any fan of the series is sure to love. I adored it and look forward to the next installment of the series...CAUGHT IN A JAM. I am still squealing with excitement over the last few pages when we get a sneak peek at Nixon. Trust me peoples, this whole book rocked.

Fav lines…

My future husband held me as I cried for my wedding, for his lost brother, for Sylvia’s heartache, for my best friend. (Reed)

“I’m so sorry, Reed. I just got frustrated and aggravated and everything in between. I lost sight of us. Let me be your resting place. Crawl into my soul and sleep until yours in healed. You’re mine to shelter. You’re mine to protect and I’ve been slacking off. And wedding or not, in all ways but one, I’m your husband. Start trusting me like I am-please.” (Falcon)

I struck a pose in the mirror and then rolled my eyes at myself. Who was I kidding? I could bring the boys to the yard but I wanted to make this one stay. (Storey)

And when I was given permission to kiss the bride, I kissed her so that when we were old and gray she’d touch her wrinkled lips and remember this day. (Not going to say who this is…it’s a surprise)