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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
John Hagee
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I Still Believe
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When God Whispers Your Name
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Big Bad Bite (Big Bad Bite, #1)

Big Bad Bite (Big Bad Bite, #1) - Jessie Lane If you can get over the fact that everybody in the book is looking for their next hump, something that is apparently hard wired into every shifters brain, the book actually has a plot, sort of. I will get to that in a bit. But with sex on everybody's brain, 24/7, you become desensitized to it. And soon it all just blots together. I tired at hearing everyone’s mind sliding into the gutter. I enjoy stories where love means something to people…not just a means of getting your next feel good. I believe a mass neutering would solve a lot of problems with some of the characters.

So the plot. Yeah, it was going really good, building up to be something big. And then the end came up and nothing. The plot seemed to fizzle to nothingness. Poof! Gone! The author tidied it up in the epilogue but I kind of felt a little jipped in the end. I guess I was expecting more for what we were given.

I really did adored Jenna’s character and her witty comebacks in every situation that she found herself in. For being hidden by her family and away from Others the girl sure knows how to handle anything thrown at her. And I loved that about her. She goes on to leave the confines of her safe home to move to a bigger city and be a SWAT team member. Everything goes great the first day on the job until she catches a whiff of another Shifter. Soon everything she worked so hard to keep hidden is thrown out of whack and her secret is now being ousted.

Now lets throw in Adam and his intense feelings for Jenna into the mix. He wants her to become a part of his pack but Jenna is not sure what to do. If she listens to her body…she wants him. If she listens to her heart…she wants him. But if she listens to her mind…she is not sure she can trust him entirely. But alas, she still wants him. Heck, after that amazing make out session at the club, I want him. Dude has it going on.

I wasn’t real sure how I was feeling about the book though while I was reading it. It was good, but there were several parts I would skip over due to too much detail. A lot of describing things that I felt wasn’t relevant to the story. But then there was the times I was away from the book and all of a sudden I would get to thinking about some of the characters and would have a dire need to know what was going on with them. I would find myself itching to get back to them.

Even though I could have done without all the sex one liners and the rage of hormones that plagued nearly every scene, it was a good read.