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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
John Hagee
Dragonfly in Amber
Diana Gabaldon
K.A. Tucker
I Still Believe
Jeremy Camp, Phil Newman
When God Whispers Your Name
Max Lucado

Ambition (Perception, #0.5)

Ambition (Perception, #0.5) - Lee Strauss,  Elle Strauss Just going to give a real quick take on the story, which is approximately 20 pages long. What did I think? Well I loved it of course. The short story is Noah's POV on the beginning of PERCEPTION, book one. And I must say…I love me some Noah. So hearing from him and what was running through his head when he hears Zoe’s mother degrade him and his family in front of Zoe. AH! My heart went out to him and I wanted to hug him.

Noah has big shoes to fill now that he has taken over the cause that was left vacated when he father was killed. And in this little slice of story we see that he has a lot riding on his shoulders: a job, his sick mother, helping care for his younger brothers, and leading people to see that GAPs are not helping any one out by getting special treatment.

You can read AMBITION before or after PERCEPTION. I read it after, and personally, I liked it better. It reminded me of when we first met Zoe and Noah and refreshed my feelings for the two. This is a fantastic series you really should dive into. Whatcha waiting for?