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Heart on a Chain

Heart on a Chain - Cindy C. Bennett You never know what someone else is going through. Case in point: Kate Mosley. For years she has kept to herself and shied away from others. Kate is the subject of insistent bullying from her classmates and constant abuse. But she would never let anyone close enough to know what goes on in her personal life. Not that anyone would want to be close to her. When people get close, Kate gets suspicious. They are bound to hurt her in some way.

So when the boy she shared her one and only kiss with moves back to town and starts showing interest in her, Kate assumes the worst. In her mind he is setting her up for a hurting. But as time goes on Kate realizes he is actually genuine in his feelings for her. Maybe with him by her side things will start getting better. Or maybe life will throw her an ugly curve ball and things will get increasingly worse.

When I first started reading HEART ON A CHAIN I had no idea how emotional the book would be or how heavy. It is definitely not what I was expecting. It was better! Boy, I cannot even begin to explain how heartbreaking this book was. But on the other hand, there was so much love that radiated from it too. It was absolute epic goodness wrapped up in a well written book. Wow!! I am sitting here after finishing this book several hours ago and I am still in awe.

This is truly a wonderful story...a definite eye opener for those who know or suspect someone going through some sort of abuse. When you put this book down you will most likely have to take a good look at yourself and possibly how you treat others.

I adored Henry and Kate so very much that I cannot get them out of my head. But I must…I have another book waiting to be read and I need to give it my utmost attention. Bennett did a fantastic job making the story real and believable. Almost too believable. My heart hurt so much at what happened to Kate in the story I wanted to crawl into the book and defend her. Henry was just amazing and I love him so very much. I need my girls to find a guy like him one day to marry. One day. Not today. They are only 12, 10, and 5. They still have time. But seriously, do guys like him truly exist?

This is a great story I recommend to anyone. Pick it up today and partake in its goodness.