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Edge of the Past (Edge, #2)

Edge of the Past (Edge, #2) - Jennifer Comeaux Emily and Sergei are mere months away from saying ‘I do’ and things are going great for the couple. That is until they go visit his parents in Moscow and are slammed face first into Sergio’s past. Right away the things that are hidden in his past begin to show themselves…and some of those things are weighing heavily on Emily. Does she have what it takes to stand by her man and be the woman he needs her to be as they face an uncertain future? Can she let go of the jealousy that seems to be rearing its ugly head at every turn? Is this relationship even going to survive turmoil leading up to their wedding?

I had a hard time reading this one. Not because it was horrible and the author did a terrible job writing it. In fact, it was just the opposite. Comeaux did an amazing job writing this book and giving it so much emotion and love that the story just comes alive and affects you so deeply. Emily was definitely put through it all in this one, and the reader will experience all that hurt right along with her. I am not kidding when I say I was in a perpetual state of grief 95% of the book. But it was so worth it in the end.

I cannot say that I loved this book more than LIFE ON THE EDGE because they are both that different. In the first one we see the relationship bloom and grow and come together. It even nearly fell apart. But thankfully it worked out for them and and us. Because there would be no EDGE OF THE PAST if it didn't. So yes, both books are different but both books rocked it!

Without giving much away, I will say that I loathed a certain character: Elena. I don’t care if the girl felt threatened…she was absolutely horrid and nasty to Emily and I didn’t like it one bit. And there were times I wasn’t too fond of my sweet Sergei. But I gave him the benefit of the doubt, cause some guys just have no clue when it comes to women. ;) Emily on the other hand was my favorite character and I was just so darn proud of her throughout the book. She didn’t have to be nice and invite this lady into her home but she did. She took the high road several times when I would have punched her in the throat. Seriously…right in the throat. Yet, there were times I wanted to smack her upside her head. She really needed to voice some opinions and not hold back so much. But I still loved her.

This book was all kinds of awesome and all kinds of emotional. I believe I was crying, yes ugly crying, the whole last part of the book until the end.Yeah, this book affected me that much. So I would most definitely recommend this read to anyone out there looking for a fantastic, well written romance. It's clean...it's romantic...and I am in love with the series. And I know I said this in my review of LIFE ON THE EDGE, but it seriously needs to be a movie...like yesterday. (Yeah I think I said that too.) Oh, oh I also just read on Comeaux's update on goodreads (from this past November) that she is working on the next book in the series. I about fainted. Pssh, I could use a little more of Sergei.

Funny Fav Line:
"Excuse me, I have to go skate with imaginary you."
Chris smirked. "He's not nearly as funny as me. Or as good looking."
I let out a little laugh. "Or as humble."

Fav Sergei line that got me flustered & made me want to scream at Emily to listen to him:
Sergei shook his head as he advanced nearer. "I can never move on from you."

Sigh! I love that man!