Jessica and Amanda are a couple girls recently graduated from college living the high life in a penthouse condo. No job; nothing to do but party it up with friends. Until one day, they get a call from Stephanie's dad that he can no longer pay for the condo and they must do the unthinkable: get a job! *gasp*
So Beach Party Girls is a fairly quick read and it's cute. There is not much in the way of development with the characters. What you see is what you get. I couldn't relate at all to them because I have had a job since high school. Even while attending college I had to work. But the girls are great and not an evil bone in their body. One of the ideas they come up with to pay the bills was a little funny to me. Can you say Sugar Daddy?
I did think the book was a good read but felt it lacked a little detail and substance. Like when the 2 girls started dating, then the next page over the guys want to all move in together. We didn't see any relationship growth. It felt to me like they were consider moving in with complete strangers. They could be murderers for all these poor girls knew.
In the end I really liked the book. It's a cute, short read that is perfect for summer. I was kind of happy to have a break from the supernatural world and enjoy some chick lit! Will be looking into more of Lee's work. So grab your towel, head for the beach, and don't forget Beach Party Girls!
**I will note that there was apparently some formating issues with earlier copies making words misspelled. Mine however was fixed and I don't remember seeing any errors.**