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The Savage Blood (Savage, #2)

The Savage Blood - Tamara Rose Blodgett I would like to note that this book to me is more New Adult than YA. So keep that in mind when you decide to read it.

Ok I am going to do this review a little different than my others. I am going to tell you what I liked and what I didn’t like. First lets start with what I didn’t like.

This book had me shaking my head one too many times. Shaking my head when Clara or one of her female friends got kidnapped yet again. Shaking my head when Clara or one of female friends were almost raped yet again. Shaking my head when another guy came long and fell in love with Clara yet again. It was as if this book's storyline was on a continuous repeat. And I was seriously about to scream knowing one of these things were about to happen.

One question I have is what does Clara have that attracts guys like a dog in heat? And I tried to think of a better way to ask this next question but there is just no way around it. Is Clara’s cooter made of gold and only the male species can detect it? I mean I am all for a love triangle. But when 3rd and 4th guy gets introduced as another possible love interest I was ready to throw up. Clara better man up in the next book and make an executive decision about who she wants to be with or I might be done with her altogether. Am I really the only one that see’s Matthew’s love for her is true?

With everything that happens from the beginning until the end...I was catching myself yelling at my nook way too much. But I couldn't stop reading either. I had to know what would happen next. So this leads us to what I liked about the story.

I loved the whole idea of Clara heading off in to the unknown seeking out her real mother and looking for answers. And answers we get in this second book of the series. Lots and I mean lots get revealed and some kind of blew my mind. All from the revealing of Clara’s mother….to how the fragment came to be…to who Clara really is. We get a plethora of info revealed in stages throughout the book.

Blodgett’s writing is also a favorite of mine since The Pearl Savage. Even when giving her characters a 1890 dialogue, I found myself following easily. And I am not one that likes historical fiction for that reason only. But with these characters I really enjoyed it.

So with that I end my review and hope that you will give it a try. It is really different story than what you have read before and the fact it has romance thrown around throughout the book is an added plus. When reading the story I want to know who you think Clara should choose. My choice is Matthew and I look forward to more of Clara’s story to see who is her pick.