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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
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Dragonfly in Amber
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I Still Believe
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When God Whispers Your Name
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The Burning Star (Star, #1)

The Burning Star (Star, #1) - Jessie Lane Kay is used to moving around every few years to different big cities looking for doctors that will offer her a cure. But with a few months to live they move to Asheville, NC where her father was from with hopes of finding that cure. Kay is determined to fight this cancer to the end and survive to see her 18th birthday. Who knows, maybe she can even talk her mom into sticking around here for a bit. But when she comes across a gorgeous guy getting attacked by a mutant looking wolf the crazy just gets crazier from there. Now there is talk of faeries and werewolves...maybe her cancer meds are making her crazy. Or maybe there really is a different way of life for her with powers she only read about in books.

The Burning Star was such a wonderful read. But even with the edited version I was given I still had a hard time following the dialogue between characters. It just didn’t flow together well in certain areas. I had found myself having to reread sections just to make sure I understood who was talking. And there was still a few spelling errors throughout the book.

Ok, with that aside…I loved the whole Faery story. There is just something so neat and magical about Faeries and this story was right on target with them. The authors made sure they kept to legends and even added their own little touches to the story.

There is even a story inside of the story with The Burning Star. Yes we get Kay’s POV and some from Nick and Ryan…but we also get Kira’s POV. At first you don’t think much of her part; it just seems she is summoned to track down Kay. But soon we start getting more and more of her story…and in the end it all ties together nicely while still leaving us with an enticing little clifferhanger.

I think fans of Julie Kagawa’s The Iron Fey series and Carrie Jones’ Need series will really enjoy The Burning Star. There are lots of hidden secrets throughout the book and gorgeous faeries and weres to keep the readers interest. So pick up The Burning Star today.