Just wanted to do a mini review about how much I loved this book. I inhaled every stinking digital word on my nook. Gosh, Abbi is one amazing author who knows what she is doing. She captured every emotion wonderfully and presented it in a way that had me feeling as if I was right there on that roller coaster of love with Lana. Yep I do believe that The Vincent Brothers was way better than The Vincent Boys. And I really loved the first book, alot!
I thought Beau was so hot in The Vincent Boys but he ain't got nothing on Sawyer in this one. When Ashton left Sawyer 6 months ago...the boy did some changing and it was all for the best, in my opinion. I didn't care much for him in the first book but absolutely, freaking loved him in this one. The boy was hot, hot, hot!! I loved how it took one girl to change him...flip him around...and make him see the world in a whole new light. I can't believe I am about to say this but Sawyer is the hotter Vincent Boy! Yep, yep, yep!!
Sure the storyline is not so original...you get a boy who plans to use the girl to get his ex back...and the girl being used is secretly in love with the boy...so yeah someone is gonna get hurt. But Abbi took that generic storyline and gave it life and love and sexiness. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
So if you get a chance…go get The Vincent Brothers Today. You will thank me later. If you haven’t read the first book yet…you’re an idiot…well not really…but you need to get a hoppin’ and pick it up now!