Warning…please read Jamais Vu before reading my review of Déjà Vu. There might possibly be spoilers for those who haven’t yet.
Deja Vu starts off with Darby in a car wreck and struggling to be free before the car goes up in flames. Someone who she once held in contempt is the person coming to her aid. How on earth did Matt of all people know where she was and that she was in an accident? That’s just the beginning. Matt is now someone Darby is starting to trust. How weird is it that she once thought he was evil but now cares for him? And Kasey, the very same guy she brought back from the dead, the very same guy she loved, is now scaring her. This is not her Kasey.
Let me start by saying thank you to Astraea Press for offering me the chance to read Déjà Vu. And thanks to Monique O’Connor James for introducing me to her world of Jamais Vu.
Déjà Vu was so full of twists and turns I was blown away! The storyline was brilliant and I just fell in love with it all. There were so many secrets that emerge within the pages and by the end of the book everything comes together nicely. Characters I once loved were getting the mighty death stare from me while I was reading. *Oh yeah you know who you are.* And one character that I loathed in the first book, well let’s just say I became their own personal cheerleader…rootin him on. Monique writes a story that practically lures you in and let’s face it…you will not want to leave. So hunker down in your favorite reading spot, grab a cup of joe and get to reading.