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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
John Hagee
Dragonfly in Amber
Diana Gabaldon
K.A. Tucker
I Still Believe
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When God Whispers Your Name
Max Lucado

Collier (Phantom Lives, #1)

Collier (Phantom Lives, #1) - Elizabeth Loraine Abbi has had enough of the beatings and abuse at the hands of her boyfriend, Dallas. One night during a horrific storm, Abbi takes off and flees Memphis, trying to find somewhere safe to live. Money is not a problem, ever since her parents died leaving her the heiress of their estate. When arriving in a small Mississippi town, Abbi finds the house of her dreams, literally. She has dreamed about this house and the people that lived there since she was a young girl. The events that happen next should qualify Abbi as crazy, landing her in a straight jacket. So why does it all finally make Abbi feel sane and her life complete?

This is my first time reading a book by Elizabeth Loraine and I thought it was a delightful read that kept my interest the entire time. The characters were so interesting to read about, those from the past and the present. You really do have to pay attention to the details and the history of Collier, so you don’t get lost in it. But it’s not too much you feel overwhelmed, just informed. Because there will be times towards the end you read something and say 'oh yeah' and it will all click into place. And the story line was so different and unique; I had a hard time putting the book down. There were many times I would tell myself ‘just one more chapter, then I can clean’ or ‘just one more chapter and then I will go run that errand’. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series and others of Loraine’s as well.