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The Scarlet Dagger (The Red Sector Chronicles, #1)

The Scarlet Dagger (The Red Sector Chronicles, #1) - Krystle Jones Three years ago the moon turned blood red during the Eclipse and the world as Sloane knew it ended. While out with her twin brother Orion and their friend Rook, both guys get attacked by vampires and go missing. Not long after that, Sloane loses her father to cancer, leaving her with her mother who cares nothing for her, blaming her for her Orion's death. So after years of training with her best friend Leo as a vampire hunter, Sloane sets out into the Red Sector in search of her brother. What she didn't plan on was being turned into the very thing she was trained to kill. But soon Sloane finds out that not all vampires are crazy, blood driven animals. That some are actually are more human than the people she left behind in the White Sector.

WOW oh WOW! Where do I being? This book was crazy good, crazy romantic and crazy suspenseful! I fell hard for Aden right from the start and when picturing him, I pictured Alex Pettyfer. *le sigh* Is that wrong? I mean, when she talked about his hair and his heavenly looks, Alex came to mind. Sure Aden can be a complex individual, but it’s obvious he cares for her. Sloane is instantly easy to love. Just when you wouldn’t blame her for shutting down, she steps up and gives it everything she has. I loved her feisty, cleaver quips, always saying what the rest of us are thinking.

Immediately taken with this book from the very start, I couldn’t put it down. The book’s plot was so addictive and intense I feverishly read needing to know what would happen next. Now I am dying to get my hands on book two, Dark Horizons. Jones gives us a well written book with a nail biting storyline and amazing characters. Fans of vampires and the book Divergent will love this story. The Scarlet Dagger is one of my most fav reads of 2011!