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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
John Hagee
Dragonfly in Amber
Diana Gabaldon
K.A. Tucker
I Still Believe
Jeremy Camp, Phil Newman
When God Whispers Your Name
Max Lucado

Collide (Collide, #1)

Collide (Collide, #1) - Shelly Crane love love love this book. cannot wait to get my hands on the next one. review to come soon....

My review...
Sherry has a horrible boss, hippy parents and a lazy brother. She is lonely and her abusive ex-boyfriend doesn't make her life any better. But one day the moon goes missing and "visitors" show up in other peoples dead bodies. This is where her boring life makes a u turn.

So we have the Lighters who are bad. But they come to earth making people think they are good and that the Keepers are the bad guys. Which in all actuality the Keepers are good. In fact they are here watching over the Specials. Who are humans with a special purpose in their life, they just don't know what it is yet. Confused yet? Don't be. Shelly explains the whole story clearly. She pulls you in and you just want to stay there and never leave. I was constantly thinking about it when I wasn't reading it and forcing myself to put it down so I could go to sleep late at night.

Characters...oh wow the characters. I love these people if they were my own family..if not better. She gives each character the perfect amount of attention so you know who they are. My favorite? Merrick of course. I adore him. So adorable and cute and funny. But best of all so protective and loving. I want a Merrick of my own. *And I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George, er Merrick* Well hubby might not approve of this. Oh well. Sherry can have him for now. I love how everyone bands together and become a family living in hiding. What a great group of people, taking care of each other and being there during the times it was needed.

Like I said before, your drawn into the story. Riding on the highs of love right along with the characters...and fearing the unknown of a world spiraling out of control. The story and the characters stay with you long after your done reading.

Absolutely A Must Read!