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Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change
John Hagee
Dragonfly in Amber
Diana Gabaldon
K.A. Tucker
I Still Believe
Jeremy Camp, Phil Newman
When God Whispers Your Name
Max Lucado

Terra's Wrath

Terra's Wrath - Meaka Kyel Yellow Eyed Freaks attacking other people? Yeah, it is enough to freak anyone out. But Lane and Gabby pull it together and get their friends and employees to safety. Everyone will have to work together to find out what is causing the attacks and prevent them from taking any more of their friends lives. Too many people have died and now it is time they take back what is rightfully theirs: Earth. It won’t be easy and more people will lose the fight before all is said and done. But one thing is sure…Mother Nature messed with the wrong folks.

No kidding....18 pages in and I was freaking out. Like FREAKING OUT! The story doesn't take long before the intensity of it was ramping up big time. Although the story is told in Gabby’s POV, the story is really about Max and the huge role he plays in it all. I won’t give away his role or why…but know it is a good one. So much suspense and excitement pouring through this book. I loved it and devoured it quickly. But with a storyline like this it’s hard not to. From the moment I started it, I couldn’t put it down until I finally had to. My eyes were not staying open one more second. So I immediately picked it up the next morning to finish it.

I love stories like this where it is close to the end of the world and zombie like attacks are happening. I believe I was born for this type of scenario to happen. Zombie attack? Bring it! Yellow Eyed Freak ambush? I got this! Everyone did good getting their heads in order when it first started and did exactly like I would have done. They knew they had to get food, clothing, and shelter first. For once it is refreshing to see people actually think smartly instead of act like fools.

My only problem with the story is the amount of secondary characters. There was almost too many I thought. It was hard keeping up with all the names and people living together. And at times I would think where did that person come from? Oh yeah they were mentioned somewhere. But other than that, I loved it.

Great story for those who love intense, action filled stories with a little bit of romance. And if you like zombie-like stories, this is a great fit for you too.