Oh dear. Here I am writing a review for CEASELESS and I am utterly sad about it. Sad it is over...sad no more Dank...just sad. This whole series has been amazing and it will always be one of my favorites.
Glines sure knows how to give her readers characters we want to read about and care about. They are real and believable...even if this is Death we are talking about. But they hang with you long after the story is over. Especially Dank. Oh how I love me some Dank. One of my all-time favorite characters ever.
I loved the first book of the series the best. But CEASELESS comes in 2nd. I loved seeing Dank trying to get Pagan to fall back in love with him. Things look like they are going his way and love looks like it is on the horizon. But something happens when an old character emerges and throws Dank for a loop and back to start. Any advancement he had made at gaining Pagan's trust is soon diminished. Winning her back is a distant dream…a very distant dream.
Awesome series…awesome characters…awesome writer. It is a must read. And I suggest it to any and all lovers of the paranormal genre.