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Love Revolution: Black Cat Records Shakespeare inspired trilogy: 2

Love Revolution - Michelle Mankin Have I ever mentioned I love me some BS? No? Well I do. When it is in the form of Brutal Strength of course. Can I say that I think I loved Love Revolution a tinsy bit more than I did Love Evolution? Cause I did. I think it was because we got 2 stories pretty much in one book. One amazing book that rocked my socks.

Not sure whose story I enjoyed more…Sara or Sam’s. Sara, bless her heart had daddy issues and used men up then spit them out. She never wanted to be involved with one guy for very long. But Chris Alex comes along and shakes up her world. Can she get over her past and the sins of her parents to actually make it work with him? Or will she grow old and alone singing sad country songs?

Sam on the other hand is falling for JR, drummer for Brutal Strength. But her sister has warned her to be wary of him; he has been known to get around. Soon everything is going great for them until one day jealousy rears its ugly head. Will the couple be able move forward? Or will the relationship end before it really gets a chance to shine?

Michelle really, really knows how to write a book that readers will go ga ga over. I mean look at me. I read this bad boy in less than a day and I am flippin the flip out. Holy tamales it was good. The book flowed super well and not for one iota was I bored. Too much happens in this book for one to lose interest. And that ending? WHOA! Who did Avery see?? So you know what? I say BRING IT! Let’s do this. I am ready for book 3. Like yesterday. I really hope we don’t have to wait long either. That would be a definite bummer.

So yeah, loved me some new characters and loved seeing some old characters. I was, like I mentioned earlier, ga ga over this book and it was all thanks to the characters and story lines. I had no problems or issues at all with Love Revolution…completely enamored with it. eepp! I cannot quit gushing over it. You know what? I did have a problem…way to short. I know I complain about books being too long…this one was too short for my liking. Booo! But seriously, if that is my only complaint, then consider this book near perfection.

Well, there you go folks…my two cents. If you haven’t read the first one, do it. If you have, you know it rocked, so read this one. Now! Read, enjoy, swoon!