Ever since Darby was sent back from the brink of death, her dreams have never been the same. She is plagued by nightmares of people she knows and the choices they made that eventually lead to their death. Darby feels she was sent back to help these people right their wrongs so they can have a chance at life. Her family and shrink have a hard time believing her dreams as reality. What can Darby do for others if her own family doesn't believe in her?
This book is seriously addicting. I stayed up late reading , telling myself I would go to bed once I finished the next chapter. Only to find myself saying..."well maybe just one more chapter." Darby is such a strong person even though she won't allow her self to believe it. Who else could face such horrifying demons in her sleep and actually function the next day knowing what she knows. But I loved what the other characters brought to the story too. Some characters were only there for a short time but they felt real and you become emotionally attached to them.
An amazing, yet emotional story of one girl's journey back from the afterlife and finding out what really happened in her former life. Will it all be too much for Darby or can she change the lives of those she love and her own? Jamais Vu is definitely a must read that will leave you believing everyone deserves second chances.